
Exclusive Interview with Entrepreneur, Founder, and Author David Motta

Today we’d like to introduce you to David Motta.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I go over my entire story in my book but in a nutshell, I was born in Brazil, in a low middle-class family, lived in a very dangerous area, and while growing up I had many friends who were involved in crime, etc, things were pretty rough and I had every chance to choose the wrong path. When I was 15 years old, I suddenly lost my father 4 days after my birthday due to a heart attack, and since my mother had just migrated to the USA, my brother and I came to live with her after living by ourselves for a few months. It was not an easy change. But, I am honestly not telling this to feel sorry for myself or create a sob story, but simply to emphasize the point that I have never had any privilege, rich parents, or family members to help me and I am definitely not different from anyone out there. The one thing I can say I had going for me was that I would always outwork anyone, so whatever I lacked in privilege I made up for it through dedication and the drive to learn and improve. Over the years I have owned several businesses, I’ve had great success and also many failures, but I continue to learn from my own experiences as well as from anyone I work with which helped me develop a set of skills that have helped me get to where I am today

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

Far from easy! I have had to overcome many challenges and misconceptions, and I believe that most people also have these same issues which I also go over in my book. Two, in particular, that was hard for me to overcome were the fact that I needed to surround myself with mentors who have achieved what I was looking for and a big misconception about money. This is one of the most profound concepts that I’ve learned that has helped me completely turn my life around.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

Because of my entrepreneurial journey starting new businesses, I found myself having to wear many hats, sometimes all of them at the same time, and through a mix of failures and successes I acquired a set of skills that is has shaped into who I am today, but If I had to set aside a couple that I continue to learn and master it is how to create a great product and how to become the best marketer possible for my product. It’s a given that if you want to have a successful business you must have a great product or service, but understanding the importance of marketing and generating sales for that business is crucial, lucky we live in a digital age where finding the right mentor and the right education is much more possible than what it was a decade ago. However, because of the ease of putting information out there, it’s quite common to end up with information overload, which many times leaves to paralysis, and that’s why we created Wiserr, to be a hub that can provide the right tools, training & resources, to help people obtain the help they need.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

Focus on the daily tasks and not just the ultimate goal- we have the tendency to focus on where we want to go but forget that there are boring but crucial steps that must be taken every day to get us to our goal, focusing on making the daily task your goal, will get you to where you want to be.

Prioritize & reverse engineer- understand exactly what you are trying to accomplish and start by identifying the biggest goal for the week and reverse engineer what you need to do daily to make it happen.

80/20 Principle- 80% of the results come from 20% of the actual work. Focus on what matters. Your attention is being demanded from everywhere, it’s essential to pay attention to what you are paying attention to so that you can maximize your 20%

Know your strengths and keep acquiring skills – The more you learn the more you earn, period, skills are one the few things that only appreciate over time, stacking skills that complement each other will protect you from whatever comes your way in business.

Admit your deficiencies and work on them: If we learn and admit what deficiencies we have, then we can find a way to improve. Every business is bottlenecked by the entrepreneur in one of three ways: trait deficiencies, skill deficiencies, or belief deficiencies. The key is to understand which is your weakness and devote the necessary time and resources to reflect and then work on improving them.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

To me, success goes far beyond monetary value. My definition of success is being able to have complete time freedom so that you can spend as much time as you want with your family and loved ones, being able to work from anywhere without geographical restrictions, and of course, having the ability to create cash flow and build wealth while doing something you love and that actually moves humanity forward. But achieving success in one part, maintaining it is even harder, I don’t believe there is such thing as stability, you are either growing in all areas of your life or you are declining, it’s like if you worked hard to create a beautiful garden, the minute you stop watering it and taking care of it, it wouldn’t be long before it dies off.

What’s next for you?

I am super excited about all of the projects I am a part of, especially for Wiserr, we have come a long way since it was just an idea and I can’t wait to see how many businesses and lives we help change in the next few years. We have many exciting things in our roadmap and the future looks very promising. I have always been passionate about helping the underserved and that’s why Wiserr has a bold mission to help create One Million Latino digital entrepreneurs.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

Anyone who wants to connect can always find me on social media, especially on Instagram @davd.motta where I tend to be more active as time permits. And if you want to learn more about what we are doing at Wiserr you can check out and of course, you can also find my book “El Atajo Del Millonario” on amazon.

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