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Exclusive Interview with ANGELA GILBERT CAMERON

Today we’d like to introduce you to ANGELA GILBERT CAMERON.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I have been blessed to get to where I Am in life by PRAYER, FAITH, AND and UNWAVERING TRUST, AND BELIEF THAT GOD IS TRULY REAL.
I am a product of A PK KID, My Dad, MINSTER ROBERT N. GILBERT (RIP) who had an extraordinary vision to unite individuals inside of the church walls to the highways and byways of reaching souls also outside of the church walls in Hope of saving lost souls. He also was very diligent about supporting platforms for women ministry in the church. He was working on an online ministry campaign at the time of his death, to release an online ministry as the vision he saw of video ministry becoming a vast tool to reach individuals, which as we see today, is very, very evident. The message he was writing on LOVE (I CORINTHIANS 13 1-13) was found on his desk, He was suppose to minister the coming up, SUNDAY, and never got a chance to due to his death. To cope I picked up his message of LOVE, AND UNITY, to make sure the message he was preparing got out. I picked up the ball of his sermon, and have been running with it for almost 10 Years, now. I feel I am a naturally motivator from my childhood, so helping individuals realize their potential, to step out on FAITH, BELIEVE, and conceive the concept that you do have the power within yourself to “LIVE YOUR DREAMS.” DREAM. EXECUTE. WIN.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

I was a teen-age Mom, which really help to build, and scope my discipline in alignment with my work ethic. Also, induced by by parents example.
Being a survivor of a 14lb uterine fibroid tumor, which My Physician dubbed as a Holiday Turkey due to my surgery being scheduled during The Thanksgiving Holiday Season to be performed right before, CHRISTMAS, to be surgically removed; I just feel so BLESSED. Extremely, BLESSED to still be here.
I almost lost my life in my late teens, which I do plan to write about before leaving this earth…I have been BLESSED by, GOD, to escape death so many times. I am a walking Miracle. A Survivor. A True Testament of GOD’S AMAZING GRACE, and HIS MERCY. His compassion to those who do not always get it right. Those who believe that JESUS IS REAL, and HIS BLOOD was truly shed to set the captives free.
Divorced after 25 years of marriage-A 30 year total relationship, going on 3 years now, I am embracing my new chapter, my journey, my path. My new journey. Purpose. Overcoming divorce can sometimes feel like overcoming death in a sense. It is definitely the dying away of old things in my case.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I am a MOTIVATOR. A natural born SPEAKER All day, everyday. I love to see people win in life. Years ago I dubbed myself as A SPIRITUAL MIDWIFE, because I believe part of my purpose is to help people BIRTH THEIR DREAMS.
This is DEFINTELY 1 of my passions in life.
In relation to the last part of this question I truly believe the only competition we have in life is our own self . One’s Own Self. Everyone is unique in how they deliver whether they use add ons from someone else’s statements, or use their own literary gifts. It is like singing a song, no two people sound exactly the same.
Why I should be chosen to work with…I have an extremely dedication to what, and why I do. My work ethic, genetically enhanced, also, as it was lived out before me through both of my parents, is a force to be respected. I’m a natural born problem solver. I get joy in bringing change, helping to execute goals,honesty, dedication, morals, ethics, A True Gamechanger’s Mentality all wrapped up in LOVE, and UNITY.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

To be their true authentic self. To never stop growing, and developing to become even greater. To never except no as an answer, you do not have to be a product of how you entered life, or the mistakes you have made in life. Life will teach you a many lessons if you listen, and you allow it to. Mistakes are teachers, fir the wise. To believe in your self even when nobody else does, if you see it you can achieve it. Go after you Visions, and your Dreams. If it had not been done before GAME CHANGE. World Change. You can do it. I believe in you.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Peace. If what I am doing is not giving me PEACE or bringing me PEACE in life… then it is not success. What I am doing, or what I do has to make me feel peaceful enough to know I am on my journey in life concerning purpose. This is what makes me, Angela, withstand the storms of life.

What’s next for you?

Lots. I have learned to not always give away detail. So I will just narrow it down the best way I can…LOTS. I am BLESSED to have treasures from here to there; vast measures of gifting as I share my gifts and talent to, and with the world.
PSALM 30:5

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?




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